A Step-by-Step Country Master Plan to Create and Drive a Healty Early Stage Investment Market for Your Country / Region
Full Day
96% of the world economy is driven by entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs. These small- and medium-sized enterprises are the main drivers of economic stability. They recruit more than 60% of the entire working population of the world. In order for them to contribute more to the economies of their countries, they need to meet with new financial instruments quickly. Unfortunately, after the global economic crisis, SMEs, entrepreneurs, and startups were unable to access finance as easily as before.
The development of new financial instruments such as crowdfunding, angel investment, acceleration programmes and co-investment funds, and the easing of access to finance for SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups therefore play a vital role in economic development.
On the other hand, SMEs, entrepreneurs and startups should also be supported by smart public money, so the development of new policies to convert public money to smart money plays an important role in creating an entrepreneur-friendly environment. Developing tax incentives, co-investing with angel investors, regulating crowdfunding, providing incentives for companies based in technoparks, recognising qualified investors, introducing new, innovative financial instruments, providing capacity building programmes, recognising and awarding success, connecting SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups with global investment markets and developing new incubation and acceleration programmes are all vitally important factors in the development of an efficient SMEs and early-stage investment market in your country/ region.
developing tax incentives
co-investing with angel investors
regulating crowdfunding
providing incentives for companies based in technoparks
recognising qualified investors
introducing new, innovative financial instruments
providing capacity building programmes
recognising and awarding the success
connecting SMEs, entrepreneurs and startups with the global investment markets
If your institute is keen to respond to the needs of the country that wants to create a healthy, early-stage investment market and aiming to turn the country into a regional innovation hub, then this highly executive and unique full day programme is for the team members of your institute.
create a healthy, SMEs and early-stage investment market
turn the country into a regional innovation hub
lead the early stage investment market of your country / region
This country plan proposes a step-by-step programme to initiate and implement the objective of responding to the need for a healthy SMEs and early-stage investment ecosystem in your country / region. At the end of the day, you will have developed your own master plan.
For Stock Exchange Executives
Creating a private market for business angels, startups and SMEs under the stock exchange
Full Day
This training will involve a case study from the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Trainer will share important insights from the Turkish capital markets for initiating and running such a market in your country. You will find interesting strategies for using the stock exchange as a leveraging body to increase the market size of your country’s early-stage investment by converting the stock exchange into a platform where foreign investors can find a secure environment to invest in startups, entrepreneurs, and SMEs in your country.
Why stock exchanges today give importance to SMEs and entrepreneurs more than ever
How the Nasdaq Private Market works for SMEs and entrepreneurs
How the ELITE Programme of the London Stock Exchange Group serves the needs of SMEs and entrepreneurs
How the Istanbul Stock Exchange Private Market works for business angels and startups
Whether there is a need for the SEC of a country to secure the private market
Obstacles in developing such a market
How this market can be used to list global angel investors and leverage the size of the early-stage investment market by attracting foreign investors
Benefits of creating a private market or startup market under the stock exchange for:
• the stock exchange itself
• the country’s overall economy
• the early-stage investment market of the country
For Bank Executives
Creating an angel investors club within the bank for private banking customers
Full Day
An angel investment scheme is an innovative financial instrument for banks. In this programme, you will be given a roadmap to create such an innovative product in a bank. You will hear about the expectations of the bank administration for this product and how the bank benefits from the initiative. Bank executives are welcomed to participate at the programme which will be powered by a real case study from a bank who created a private platform to match the startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs with its private banking clients.
Setting up incubation centres as a bank
Setting up an angel investors club
Matching club members with incubated startups
Setting up a side-car fund
Managing the side-car fund
For Fund Managers
Creating the best co-investment structure for the region
Full Day
An applied study on different structures applied in different countries. Pros and cons of the early-stage investment co-investment fund structures in different scenarios such as business angel–public fund, public fund–EIF, angel syndication, VC–angels, VC–public fund–angels.
Technical definitions of different types of co-investment funds
Reasons to create a business angel fund or network involved in co-investment funds
Added values for public entities
How public entities differentiate the co-investment initiatives
Main business angel co-investment funds in Europe
Structures of these co-investment funds
Public due diligence – investment decision – term sheets
How public money comes to the game
How the deal flow is handled
Investment ratios of different types of co-investment
Management fees and structures
Asymmetric exits in co-investments
Public entities rate of return on BA co-investment funds
Key points to successful implementation of a BA co-investment fund
For Corporate Executives
A Road Map for More Innovation: Creating an innovation pipeline to connect open innovation, R&D and corporate venturing
Full Day
This programme will involve a case study from different global companies. You will find interesting strategies for using the corporates as a leveraging body to leverage the efficiency of innovation in your company by converting the idle capacity of your corporate into platforms where investors out of your corporate can find a secure environment to invest in startups, entrepreneurs, and SMEs.
This programme will give a road map to create an innovation pipeline that will connect open innovation, research & development and corporate venturing.
Creating an innovation pipeline
Open innovation dynamics
Research & Development dynamics
Creating a corporate venturing finance center
Involving entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs in the pipeline
Management structure of the innovative pipeline
For Policy Makers
Policy building to ease access to smart finance for startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs
Full Day
This programme will give participants an opportunity to learn first-hand about the barriers and obstacles in the implementation of laws.
Participants will hear first-hand more about innovative policies for governments from WBAF Chair, Baybars Altuntas. US President Obama granted him a personal audience at the White House to hear his game-changer ideas for governments. He will tell you the main idea behind the governmental policies he proposed, emphasising the importance of converting public money to smart money. He will explain why supporting entrepreneurs and SMEs directly (or supporting the supporters of startups and SMES) should be a main priority and why governments should foster the concept of ‘investing in the right team’.
Sample angel investment law, co-investment law, technoparks law from diffirent countries
Best policy for your country: Supporting entrepreneurs and SMEs directly or supporting the supporters of startups and SMES
Converting public money to smart money – Investing in the right team
Case Study: Turkey
For Chambers & Commerces
Turning Chambers to Access to Finance Centers for Entrepreneurs, Startups and SMEs
Full Day
With a heritage of more than 400 years serving the business community, chambers and business angels are natural partners in bringing economic development to their communities. Chambers are the first stop for business and entrepreneurs, looking for investors; and business angels looking for ideas and innovators. Chambers provide a valuable structure and convening power that allows business angels to bring ideas to life.
In this programme, Chambers’ executive teams will explore creating their own “angel networks & funds” within their operation.
Bringing different skills and resources to the table. Business angels provide the detailed guidance and training on entrepreneurial lifecycle and how to access finance and capital. Chambers provide the guidance on the rules and regulations of doing business. A true partnership!
Providing the opportunity for its business leaders of Chambers to become business angels
Turning the Chambers to a real early stage investment market leader in the region
Creating an awareness among the members of Chambers on innovative financial instruments like angel investment,crowdfunding, acceleration centers.
Creating a CCP – Chambers Crowdfunding Platform to ease access to finance for the members of Chambers
Creating a CBAN – Chambers Business Angels Network to ease access to finance for the members of Chambers
Creating an CAC – Chambers Acceleration Center that will ease set up new companies – potential members of Chambers
Creating a CMC – Chambers Matching Centers to connect inventors with the members of Chambers to create more innovation in the country – that will create more jobs for societies.